Multiple aligns input sequences by group

usage: [--version] [-h]  ...

show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

output files:

multiple aligned reads.


raw reads failing multiple alignment.


5’ offset table for input into offset subcommand.


3’ offset table for input into offset subcommand.

output annotation fields:

None muscle

Align sequence sets using muscle.

usage: muscle [--version] [-h] -s SEQ_FILES [SEQ_FILES ...]
                           [-o OUT_FILES [OUT_FILES ...]] [--outdir OUT_DIR]
                           [--outname OUT_NAME] [--log LOG_FILE] [--failed]
                           [--fasta] [--delim DELIMITER DELIMITER DELIMITER]
                           [--nproc NPROC] [--bf BARCODE_FIELD] [--div]
                           [--exec ALIGNER_EXEC]

show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s <seq_files>

A list of FASTA/FASTQ files containing sequences to process.

-o <out_files>

Explicit output file name(s). Note, this argument cannot be used with the –failed, –outdir, or –outname arguments. If unspecified, then the output filename will be based on the input filename(s).

--outdir <out_dir>

Specify to changes the output directory to the location specified. The input file directory is used if this is not specified.

--outname <out_name>

Changes the prefix of the successfully processed output file to the string specified. May not be specified with multiple input files.

--log <log_file>

Specify to write verbose logging to a file. May not be specified with multiple input files.


If specified create files containing records that fail processing.


Specify to force output as FASTA rather than FASTQ.

--delim <delimiter>

A list of the three delimiters that separate annotation blocks, field names and values, and values within a field, respectively.

--nproc <nproc>

The number of simultaneous computational processes to execute (CPU cores to utilized).

--bf <barcode_field>

The annotation field containing barcode labels for sequence grouping.


Specify to calculate nucleotide diversity of each set (average pairwise error rate).

--exec <aligner_exec>

The name or location of the muscle executable. offset

Align sequence sets using predefined 5’ offset.

usage: offset [--version] [-h] -s SEQ_FILES [SEQ_FILES ...]
                           [-o OUT_FILES [OUT_FILES ...]] [--outdir OUT_DIR]
                           [--outname OUT_NAME] [--log LOG_FILE] [--failed]
                           [--fasta] [--delim DELIMITER DELIMITER DELIMITER]
                           [--nproc NPROC] [-d OFFSET_TABLE]
                           [--bf BARCODE_FIELD] [--pf PRIMER_FIELD]
                           [--mode {pad,cut}] [--div]

show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s <seq_files>

A list of FASTA/FASTQ files containing sequences to process.

-o <out_files>

Explicit output file name(s). Note, this argument cannot be used with the –failed, –outdir, or –outname arguments. If unspecified, then the output filename will be based on the input filename(s).

--outdir <out_dir>

Specify to changes the output directory to the location specified. The input file directory is used if this is not specified.

--outname <out_name>

Changes the prefix of the successfully processed output file to the string specified. May not be specified with multiple input files.

--log <log_file>

Specify to write verbose logging to a file. May not be specified with multiple input files.


If specified create files containing records that fail processing.


Specify to force output as FASTA rather than FASTQ.

--delim <delimiter>

A list of the three delimiters that separate annotation blocks, field names and values, and values within a field, respectively.

--nproc <nproc>

The number of simultaneous computational processes to execute (CPU cores to utilized).

-d <offset_table>

The tab delimited file of offset tags and values.

--bf <barcode_field>

The annotation field containing barcode labels for sequence grouping.

--pf <primer_field>

The primer field to use for offset assignment.

--mode {pad,cut}

Specifies whether or align sequence by padding with gaps or by cutting the 5’ sequence to a common start position.


Specify to calculate nucleotide diversity of each set (average pairwise error rate). table

Create a 5’ offset table by primer multiple alignment.

usage: table [--version] [-h] [--outdir OUT_DIR]
                          [--outname OUT_NAME] [--failed]
                          [--delim DELIMITER DELIMITER DELIMITER] -p
                          PRIMER_FILE [-o OUT_FILE] [--reverse]
                          [--exec ALIGNER_EXEC]

show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--outdir <out_dir>

Specify to changes the output directory to the location specified. The input file directory is used if this is not specified.

--outname <out_name>

Changes the prefix of the successfully processed output file to the string specified. May not be specified with multiple input files.


If specified create files containing records that fail processing.

--delim <delimiter>

A list of the three delimiters that separate annotation blocks, field names and values, and values within a field, respectively.

-p <primer_file>

A FASTA file containing primer sequences.

-o <out_file>

Explicit output file name. Note, this argument cannot be used with the –failed, –outdir, or –outname arguments. If unspecified, then the output filename will be based on the input filename(s).


If specified create a 3’ offset table instead

--exec <aligner_exec>

The name or location of the muscle executable.